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American Alligator: Characteristics, Diet, Facts & More [Fact Sheet]

Meet the American alligator, an iconic symbol of the untamed wilderness and swamps of the southeastern United States. With their fierce appearance, American alligators may seem intimidating, but these creatures play a crucial role in their ecosystems. They are top predators and key to maintaining the balance of their environments.

Known for their broad snouts and intimidating size, these reptiles are not only fascinating creatures but also a testament to successful conservation efforts.

Dive in to explore more about these intriguing inhabitants of the waterways, from their physical characteristics to their lifestyle and the challenges they face.

The American Alligator at a Glance


Class:Reptilia (Reptiles)
Species:A. mississippiensis

Essential Information

Average Size:8.2 to 11.2 feet (male); 8.2 feet (female) / 2.5 to 3.4 meters (male); 2.5 meters (female)
Average Weight:790 to 990 pounds (male); 170 pounds (female) / 360 to 450 kg (male); 77 kg (female)
Average Lifespan:Up to 50 years in the wild; Over 70 years in captivity
Geographical Range:Southeastern United States, from North Carolina to the Rio Grande in Texas
Conservation Status:Least Concern (IUCN Red List)

Species and Subspecies

The genus Alligator consists of only two extant species: the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) and the Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis).

The American alligator, our focus in this article, is the larger of the two and is native to the southeastern United States. In contrast, the smaller Chinese alligator is native to the Yangtze River basin in China and is critically endangered.

Both species are characterized by their broad snouts and armored bodies, but the American alligator is generally darker in color with a broader snout compared to its Chinese counterpart.

Alligator head


American alligators are among the largest reptiles in the world. Adult males typically measure from 8.2 to 11.2 feet in length (2.5 to 3.4 meters) and can weigh up to 790 to 990 pounds (360 to 450 kg). Females are slightly smaller, averaging around 8.2 feet (2.5 meters) in length and weighing around 170 pounds (77 kg).

Their bodies are armored with a tough, scaled hide that is dark gray to black on the back and creamy on the underside. The head is broad with a wide, rounded snout filled with approximately 80 sharp, conical teeth. The eyes, ears, and nostrils are positioned on top of the head, allowing the alligator to almost fully submerge in water while still being able to see, hear, and breathe.

Sexual dimorphism is not pronounced in this species, with the main difference being the size, with males being larger than females.

Learn More About The Alligator’s Anatomy

Habitat and Distribution

American alligators are found throughout the southeastern United States, from the Carolinas to Florida and west to Texas. They inhabit freshwater wetlands such as swamps, marshes, rivers, lakes, and even small ponds. Alligators prefer slow-moving, calm bodies of water but can also be found in brackish environments, which are a mix of fresh and saltwater.

American alligators play a crucial role in their ecosystem as they help shape and modify their habitats, which in turn benefits other wildlife. For instance, they dig gator holes that hold water during dry seasons, providing refuge for other animals and helping maintain the overall biodiversity of their habitats.

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Learn More About Alligator Distribution & Habitat

Alligator in Louisiana


American alligators are primarily nocturnal, engaging in most of their hunting and feeding activities during the night. They can also be active during the day, especially when basking in the sun to regulate their body temperature, which is an essential behavior for these cold-blooded reptiles.

The social structure of American alligators is complex and largely hierarchical. Larger, older males typically dominate the best habitats and food resources. During the breeding season, they become territorial and will ward off other males.

Outside of the breeding season, American alligators tend to be more tolerant of others, especially in large bodies of water where resources are abundant.

Communication among American alligators involves a variety of sounds, postures, and gestures. Males emit low guttural bellowing sounds, especially during the breeding season, which can be heard up to a mile away. They also use head-slapping and jaw-clapping to assert dominance or attract mates.

Learn More About The Behavior and Abilities of Alligators

Diet and Feeding Behavior

American alligators are opportunistic carnivores with a diet that includes fish, birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and even smaller alligators. Young alligators primarily eat insects, small fish, and other invertebrates. As they grow larger, they expand their diet to larger prey.

The hunting behavior of an American alligator typically involves stealth and surprise. They lie quietly in the water with only their eyes and nostrils above the surface, waiting for prey to come close. Then, they strike quickly, dragging their prey underwater to drown it before feeding.

Learn More About Alligators’ Diet


American alligator eggs and young are vulnerable to a range of predators, including raccoons, bobcats, birds, and even other alligators. Adult alligators have few natural predators, with humans being their most significant threat.

Predation on adults is not common but can occur from other large predators such as the Florida panther and American black bear. However, it’s worth noting that a fully grown, healthy adult alligator has little to fear in its ecosystem.

Also read: What Eats An Alligator: Top 12 Alligator Predators

Alligator in Florida

Reproduction and Life Cycle

The breeding season for American alligators usually starts in the late spring, when male alligators begin to bellow to attract females. After mating, the female constructs a mound nest made from vegetation, mud, and sticks where she lays around 20 to 50 eggs. The gestation period lasts about 65 days.

Interestingly, the sex of the offspring is determined by the temperature at which the eggs are incubated; higher temperatures result in more males, while cooler temperatures yield more females.

Once hatched, young alligators are about 6 to 8 inches long. The mother alligator is highly protective of her young and will guard the nest throughout the incubation period. After hatching, the young will stay with their mother for up to two years, learning crucial survival skills and benefiting from her protection.

Learn More About The Alligator’s Reproduction

Conservation and Threats

The American alligator is currently listed as Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a remarkable recovery from their near-extinct status in the 1960s. The primary threat to the species was excessive hunting, both for their meat and hides.

Thanks to strong conservation efforts, including legal protection, habitat preservation, and regulation of hunting, their populations have rebounded.

However, ongoing threats include habitat loss due to human development, water pollution, and illegal hunting. In spite of these challenges, the American alligator’s recovery is often hailed as a major success story of wildlife conservation.

Fun Facts

  1. American alligators have between 74 and 80 teeth in their jaw at any given time. As teeth wear down or fall out, they’re replaced, meaning an alligator can go through 2,000 to 3,000 teeth in its lifetime!
  2. Despite their heavy bodies, alligators are surprisingly fast, both in water and on land. They can swim at speeds up to 20 mph (32 kph) and run short distances at 11 mph (18 kph).
  3. The temperature of the nest determines the sex of alligator hatchlings. A temperature of 93°F (34°C) or higher generally produces males, while a temperature of 86°F (30°C) results in females.
  4. The American alligator has the strongest bite of any animal currently living. The force of their bite is estimated to be around 3,000 pounds per square inch!
  5. Alligators are known to have a “death roll” – a hunting tactic where they spin their bodies to tear chunks from larger prey.

Also read: Alligators – 30 Amazing Facts, Info & Pictures

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can American alligators live?

They typically live between 30 and 50 years in the wild, but in captivity, they can live upwards of 70 years.

Are American alligators endangered?

No, they’re currently classified as Least Concern by the IUCN. They were endangered in the 1960s, but conservation efforts have allowed their populations to rebound.

How can you tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?

One key difference is their snout shape. Alligators have a broad, U-shaped snout, while crocodiles have a narrower, V-shaped one. Additionally, when their mouths are closed, you can see many of a crocodile’s teeth, while an alligator’s teeth are largely hidden.

What do American alligators eat?

They’re opportunistic feeders, eating a wide variety of prey, including fish, birds, mammals, and other reptiles.

How fast can an American alligator run?

They can run up to 11 mph (18 km/h) on land over short distances, but they’re most agile in the water, where they can swim up to 20 mph (32 km/h). However, they are not designed for long-distance running.

Alligators Compared

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