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77 Birds That Start With L

Leap into the lively and luminous world of birds that start with the letter ‘L’. This part of our avian alphabet series includes a range of species from the strikingly beautiful Lilac-breasted Roller to the stealthy Lanner Falcon.

Birds beginning with ‘L’ are known for their diverse adaptations and roles in ecosystems, thriving across various habitats globally. Join us as we explore these fascinating creatures and discover the unique characteristics that make each species special.

List of Birds That Start With L

  • Ladder-backed Woodpecker
  • Lady Amherst’s Pheasant
  • Laggar Falcon
  • Lammergeier
  • Lanceolated Monklet
  • Lanner Falcon
  • Lapland Longspur
  • Lapwing
  • Large-billed Crow
  • Large-billed Tern
  • Lark
  • Lark Bunting
  • Laughing Dove
  • Laughing Falcon
  • Laughing Gull
  • Laughing Kookaburra
  • Laughingthrush
  • Lawrence’s Goldfinch
  • Lawrence’s Thrush
  • Lazuli Bunting
  • Le Conte’s Thrasher
  • Leach’s Storm-Petrel
  • Leadbeater’s Cockatoo
  • Least Auklet
  • Least Bittern
  • Least Flycatcher
  • Least Grebe
  • Least Sandpiper
  • Least Tern
  • Leiothrix
  • Lemon Dove
  • Lemon-rumped Tanager
  • Lesser Black-backed Gull
  • Lesser Flamingo
  • Lesser Frigatebird
  • Lesser Goldfinch
  • Lesser Kestrel
  • Lesser Nighthawk
  • Lesser Prairie-Chicken
  • Lesser Scaup
  • Lesser Whitethroat
  • Lesser Yellowlegs
  • Limpkin
  • Linnet
  • Little Auk
  • Little Bee-eater
  • Little Bittern
  • Little Blue Heron
  • Little Bustard
  • Little Cormorant
  • Little Egret
  • Little Grebe
  • Little Owl
  • Little Ringed Plover
  • Little Sparrowhawk
  • Little Stint
  • Little Tern
  • Loggerhead Shrike
  • Long-billed Curlew
  • Long-billed Dowitcher
  • Long-billed Thrasher
  • Long-crested Eagle
  • Long-eared Owl
  • Long-legged Buzzard
  • Long-tailed Duck
  • Long-tailed Jaeger
  • Long-tailed Minivet
  • Long-tailed Parakeet
  • Long-tailed Tit
  • Long-toed Lapwing
  • Long-wattled Umbrellabird
  • Loon
  • Lorikeet
  • Louisiana Waterthrush
  • Lovebird
  • Luzon Bleeding-heart
  • Lyrebird

More Bird Lists By First Letter

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