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80 Birds That Start With O

Orbit into the outstanding and often overlooked world of birds that start with the letter ‘O’. This part of our avian alphabet series introduces a range of species from the opulent Ostrich to the ornate Oriole.

Birds beginning with ‘O’ display fascinating behaviors and adaptations, enabling them to inhabit diverse ecosystems across the globe. Let’s discover the unique attributes and ecological significance of these remarkable birds.

List of Birds That Start With O

  • Oak Titmouse
  • Oasis Hummingbird
  • Oberholser’s Fruit-Dove
  • Ocellated Antbird
  • Ocellated Crake
  • Ocellated Quail
  • Ocellated Tapaculo
  • Ocellated Turkey
  • Oceanic Eclectus Parrot
  • Oceanites
  • Ochre-bellied Dove
  • Ochre-bellied Flycatcher
  • Ochre-breasted Antpitta
  • Ochre-breasted Foliage-gleaner
  • Ochre-cheeked Spinetail
  • Ochre-collared Piculet
  • Ochre-flanked Tapaculo
  • Ochre-lored Flatbill
  • Ochre-rumped Bunting
  • Ochre-winged Antwren
  • Oilbird
  • Okinawa Rail
  • Okinawa Woodpecker
  • Olive-backed Euphonia
  • Olive-backed Oriole
  • Olive-backed Pipit
  • Olive-backed Sunbird
  • Olive-backed Woodcreeper
  • Olive-capped Warbler
  • Olive-coloured Seedeater
  • Olive-green Tyrannulet
  • Olive-sided Flycatcher
  • Olive-spotted Hummingbird
  • Olive Warbler
  • Olive Woodpecker
  • Olivaceous Cormorant
  • Olivaceous Piculet
  • Olivaceous Siskin
  • Olivaceous Thornbill
  • Olivaceous Woodcreeper
  • Olive-headed Weaver
  • Oliver’s Wren
  • Olivetree Warbler
  • Ollie’s Robin
  • Oman Owl
  • Omao
  • Orange-breasted Bunting
  • Orange-breasted Bushshrike
  • Orange-breasted Falcon
  • Orange-breasted Green-Pigeon
  • Orange-breasted Honeyeater
  • Orange-breasted Sunbird
  • Orange-breasted Waxbill
  • Orange-breasted Whistler
  • Orange-cheeked Waxbill
  • Orange-chinned Parakeet
  • Orange-fronted Fruit-Dove
  • Orange-fronted Parakeet
  • Orange-headed Ground Thrush
  • Orange-headed Tanager
  • Orange-legged Honeycreeper
  • Orange-quit
  • Orange River Francolin
  • Orange-winged Amazon
  • Orange-winged Parrot
  • Oriole
  • Oriole Blackbird
  • Oriole Warbler
  • Ornate Hawk-Eagle
  • Ornate Lorikeet
  • Ornate Tinamou
  • Orphean Warbler
  • Ortolan Bunting
  • Osprey
  • Ostrich
  • Ou
  • Ovenbird
  • Owl
  • Oystercatcher
  • Oyster-catcher

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