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Eco Cabins | 5 Tips to Finding Your Ultimate Waterfront Stay

Daydreaming about the ultimate waterfront escape? 

Imagine finding yourself in a quaint eco-cabin by the shore. The fresh ocean air, seascapes, and cozy abode offer a much-needed tranquil retreat. The only thing stopping you from this bliss is not knowing where and how to look. 

Ready to find the perfect waterfront cabin rentals? With these handy tips, you’ll be able to book your stay in no time.  

Location, Location, Location

The importance of choosing the right location when booking your stay can’t be stressed enough. Finding the best spot can either make or break your trip, as it’s a huge determining factor in the quality of your experience. You’d want to go for a place that is peaceful, quiet, and scenic, taking you away from the everyday hustle and bustle.  

So, before you even book your eco-lodge, make sure you do some research on the area that it’s in. It could be that a cabin is located in a lakeside or coastal town, but waterfront views may not be guaranteed. In this case, see if you can find the property on Google Maps or browse through its gallery on online booking platforms or the official website to confirm whether it’s truly a waterfront cabin. 

After all, you’re craving the ultimate waterfront stay, so there’s no harm in ensuring this is what you’re getting. 

Also, some locations offer more lodging options than others. Having limited options can sometimes force you to settle for overpriced or underwhelming cabins. 

Also read: How to prepare for your next outdoor adventure.

Eco cabin by a lake

Consider the Design of an Eco-Cabin

One factor you definitely shouldn’t ignore is the design elements of your cabin. A good eco-cabin should have a high-quality design made from environmentally friendly materials. Then, consider the practicality aspect. Are there enough rooms? Is it spacious with lots of natural light?  

The worst scenario is staying in a tight, claustrophobic, and dingy cabin — regardless of how much time you spend in it. Imagine waking up to the sound of waves crashing the shore, only to stub your toe as you make your way to other rooms. So, avoid a cramped up, over furnished space and look for an airy one with an open-plan design

Look for something that is aesthetically pleasing with large enough windows, terraces, or balconies to take in the lake or ocean views. It would be quite pointless to book a waterfront cabin if you can’t see these views from nearly every room.

cabin in the woods

Read the Reviews and Ratings

Whether you book a hotel room or cabin, reading the reviews and ratings from previous guests is an essential and necessary step before confirming anything. You’ll be surprised how much insight and details you’ll find. These reviews could persuade you to go for something or run for the hills. 

Furthermore, guest reviews on booking platforms can give you valuable perspectives on a place’s quality and service. Thanks to real experiences and opinions, you can then make an informed decision. When reading these reviews, focus on things like cleanliness, friendliness of staff, room conditions, and overall guest satisfaction.    

Don’t only read the first three reviews. Chances are you’ll only see the good ones. Delve a little deeper and find out why some have given it such a bad review and rating. The images might be misleading, maybe the weather wasn’t too great, or the hosts could be unresponsive. Whatever the case, it’s always best to be prepared, even if the majority of the reviews are positive.  

Speaking of images, some guests are kind enough to share their own photos of the accommodation. These guest-submitted images provide a visual perspective so you can gauge the accuracy of the cabin’s online representation. They’re unfiltered and unedited, giving you an honest idea of what to expect.

Interior of a cabin

Ask Around for Recommendations

Asking other people what they recommend is a bulletproof method for ensuring you have the best waterfront cabin getaway. Speak to your family and friends or join online travel communities for their insights and advice. Ask them if they’ve ever stayed in a waterfront cabin. If so, find out how they experienced it.

Was it well-kept? Is it in a good location? How far from the lake or ocean is it? 

These are just some of the questions you could ask them. Think of it as insider tips that will help you make an informed decision. They can warn you about less appealing options or lead you to a hidden gem. And, of course, nothing beats the collective wisdom of experienced travelers on online forums or platforms.  

Check the Amenities of the Cabin

Booking a cabin with modern-day amenities can enhance your travel experience. Try to have a clear idea of what you need for a comfortable stay before you go. For example, would you need Wi-Fi throughout your stay?

If Wi-Fi or any other amenities you think you’ll need are not included, then it may be better to look for something different. If you intend on cooking or there’s limited restaurants in the area, you should look for a place with a fully-equipped kitchen. On the flip side, there’s no need to pay extra for kitchen amenities if you don’t plan on cooking at all. 

A few more things you could look out for are parking space, essential toiletries, extra linen, laundry facilities, BBQ equipment, swimming pools, and a flat-screen TV. And since you’re planning a waterfront stay, ensure there are facilities or local establishments nearby to provide gear for water activities

cabin interior

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, finding the perfect little eco-cabin by the lake or sea can be overwhelming. However, coming across the right one for you can be a much easier task if you implement the tips above. You’ll have a much better idea of what to expect, what to look out for, and where to go for some extra insight. 

Now, what are you waiting for? There’s a cozy cabin with amazing views waiting for you. 

Up next: Plan your scenic, romantic cabin getaway by the lake or mountains.

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