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Watch Out For These Hazards When Driving a Car in Seattle

Driving in Seattle can be tough. The city has unpredictable weather, heavy traffic, and strict road rules, so even experienced drivers need to be on the lookout. 

Before you start your journey, it’s important to know about the potential dangers. Being aware of what to expect, like slippery roads and unpredictable drivers, can help you avoid accidents and legal problems. 

Top Seattle car accident lawyers say most accidents are the result of negligence. If you have been hurt in an accident, hire a lawyer and file a claim.

Let’s talk about these unexpected disasters in detail.

Slippery Roads from Rain and Ice

Seattle is famous for its rainy weather. When it rains, the roads get slippery. This is especially true at the start of the rain when oil and grime come up to the surface. 

In the colder months, ice can also make the roads very slippery, leading to accidents. Make sure your tires are in good condition and keep a safe distance from other vehicles. 

Heavy Traffic and Aggressive Drivers

Getting through Seattle traffic can be really tough. As rush hour gets closer, the streets get jammed with drivers in a hurry. And on top of that, some drivers drive aggressively, weaving between lanes and following too closely, which makes things worse. 

You have to stay alert, check your mirrors often, and avoid taking risks just because other drivers are driving aggressively.

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Complex Intersections and Roundabouts

Getting around Seattle can be confusing, especially for those new to the city. Seattle’s streets have one-ways and complex intersections, so it’s important to pay close attention. 

Roundabouts are meant to keep traffic moving, but they can be intimidating and cause accidents if you’re not familiar with the rules. Be sure to watch for signs and signals, and be cautious when entering or leaving roundabouts.

Cyclists and Pedestrians

Stay alert for cyclists and pedestrians in Seattle. Be prepared for unexpected street crossings by both cyclists and walkers. Keep an eye out for bike lanes and always give right of way to pedestrians at crosswalks. 

In busy areas like downtown or near schools, it’s important to be patient and attentive.

Construction Zones and Roadwork

Seattle keeps growing and changing. Because of this, there are often roadwork and construction zones. These areas can cause unexpected traffic delays. Sometimes cones, barriers, and lane closures appear out of nowhere. 

Be sure to check local road conditions and follow detour signs to avoid getting stuck in traffic or, worse, being in an accident.

Road accident Source: aleksandarlittlewolf on Freepik

Fog and Limited Visibility

When you encounter fog, it’s crucial to slow down and use your low-beam headlights. Avoid using high beams as they can make visibility worse. 

Since Seattle is near bodies of water, foggy conditions may occur suddenly, making it essential to drive cautiously.

Potholes and Road Damage

You have to be cautious while driving in Seattle, especially after heavy rain. Potholes and road damage caused by high usage and weather conditions may be hidden by puddles or poor lighting. 

Hitting a pothole can damage your vehicle and cause you to lose control. Drive carefully, and watch out for uneven road surfaces.

Unpredictable Weather Changes

In Seattle, the weather can change quickly. It’s common to start a journey in the sunshine and then suddenly encounter heavy rain or snow. To stay safe, be prepared for changing weather and adjust your driving as necessary. 

Keep an emergency pack in your car with items like a flashlight, blankets, and non-perishable food.

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