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6 Tips to Keep Your Dog Calm During a Grooming Session

As a fur parent, you want your pet to be clean, look great and smell nice all the time. This is why you likely spend a lot of time bathing and grooming your dog.

However, there are times you need to take your pet to a dog grooming professional. With their training, tools and equipment, a groomer can bathe your furry friend, trim their hair and nails and clean their ears without any difficulties.

Moreover, professional groomers are skilled in handling different breeds and coat types, ensuring your dog is cared for according to their specific needs. They also have training in animal behaviour and management techniques, making the grooming experience safer, more comfortable and efficient for you and your pet.

Reducing Your Dog’s Anxiety During Professional Grooming

Although professional grooming can do wonders for pets, this experience may trigger anxiety in some dogs. The steps involved in the process can cause them to feel afraid or uncomfortable, especially if something unpleasant happened to them in the past.

If your dog is going to a professional groomer for the first time, the unfamiliar environment and people, the loud sounds of grooming tools and the sensation of restraint can overwhelm them, causing them stress.

However, you don’t have to skip going to the groomer if your pet displays signs of anxiety before and during their grooming session. There are ways for you to help them overcome their uneasiness and ensure they have a positive experience.

Below are the best tips for keeping your dog calm during a professional grooming session:

1. Take the time to familiarise your pet with the groomer and process

No matter how much your canine friend needs to be bathed and brushed, avoid rushing the entire process. Your pet will be less anxious if they are familiar with the grooming clinic and the steps involved.

If your dog is going for their first professional grooming session, bring them to the clinic before their schedule. Let the staff and groomer pet and talk to them and allow them to walk around the space.

Ask the groomer if they can operate the equipment and tools they use for grooming, such as the dog shower, blower and clippers, while your pet watches. Doing so helps them become familiar with these devices and reduces their anxiety during their session.

You can also familiarise your pet at home by turning the clippers on and off and rubbing these on their body so they can get used to the noise and vibrations.

If your pet is hesitant about entering the grooming clinic, stay outside first. Continue visiting the groomer and go inside only when your furry friend shows no signs of fear or apprehension.

Dog nail clipping

2. Exercise your dog

If you have a high-energy dog, letting them exercise before their grooming schedule can help them stay calm.

Going for a long walk or hike or playing with your dog for an hour or more before your visit to the groomer can help them relax during their grooming session. These activities let your pet release their energy, tiring them out.

Vigorous exercise has natural sedating effects on pets. It’s a great way to prevent them from being agitated and misbehaving while undergoing grooming.

3. Be generous with treats and praises

During your pet’s grooming session, bring plenty of their favourite treats from your provider of pet food delivery in Dubai. Give them one or two pieces when they are nervous and promise to feed them more once they are done. Be generous with verbal praises as well whenever they stand or sit still.

These can help pets remember that they can be rewarded when they behave, and that they have nothing to worry about during the grooming process.

As your furry friend gets used to professional grooming, you can offer them fewer treats. But continue praising them since dogs understand and love verbal rewards.

4. Try calming sounds and scents.

If your pet is still nervous while being groomed, consider playing some tunes that can help calm them down. This can include songs you play since the familiar sounds can lower their uneasiness.

Classical music also has calming effects and can reduce stress levels among dogs. You or the groomer can play tunes from Bach or Mozart during the grooming session.

Aromatherapy can soothe anxious dogs as well. Once your pet is dry, you or the groomer can massage some lavender, chamomile or sweet marjoram oil onto their fur.

The soothing scent of these products and the gentle massage can help make your dog feel more relaxed.

Dog shower

5. Know when to give your pet a break

Even if your dog is already in the middle of the grooming session, you should recognise the signs when your pet is becoming too overwhelmed.

These signs include:

  • Shaking
  • Rapid breathing
  • Panting
  • Aggressive behaviour

When you see these signs, stop the process temporarily.

Your furry friend will learn to trust you and the groomer only if they know the grooming session will stop when they feel uncomfortable.

Since they are trained, groomers can recognise signs of anxiety in pets and stop for a few minutes to give them time to relax before continuing. However, if your furry friend may not display clear indicators, you have to notify the groomer when they are becoming too anxious and have them take a break.  

As you continue bringing your canine to the groomer, they will become more accustomed to the process and be less nervous. The breaks will become less frequent and eventually, your pet can complete a grooming session without interruption.

6. Delay grooming sessions when your dog has high anxiety levels

If your pet experienced a particularly stressful event, such as a move or the death of another pet at home, skip the grooming process for a few days until they feel better.

For instance, bringing your furry friend to a different grooming clinic after relocating can only add to their stress. They need time to adjust to their new home and the fewer distractions they have, the quicker they can adapt.

When you deem your pet has adjusted and feels comfortable in their new environment, you can start introducing the grooming clinic to them one step at a time.

Grooming is an important part of keeping your canine friend healthy and happy. When you reduce their anxiety during the experience, they can benefit more from every session.

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