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What to Do After a Slip and Fall: A Step-by-Step Guide

Slips and falls happen all the time so it could be beneficial for you to learn about what you can do if this ever happens to you. There are many things to keep in mind and the more you know, the easier it will be for you to handle these types of situations.

Take Care of Yourself

Whenever you fall on the ground for whatever reason, you must check to see if you have any injuries. Check for cuts and wounds. If you hit your head when you fell, you must know these things. First, if you feel any of these conditions that we are going to name, that means that you could be seriously injured and that you should seek medical assistance immediately.

Loss of consciousness (even brief), nausea, headache, dizziness, and any abnormal feeling that you may have should be something that you should immediately check for. If you do not go to a hospital and check your condition, you are risking a lot; in some cases, the consequences could even be fatal. If you have suffered a cut, or something similar, then you should look to treat it using first aid. You can also apply pressure to the cut and go to a hospital to patch it up for you.


Call Your Lawyer

Before you have been in an accident, you must have a lawyer who is one call away and can assist you in these matters. You should look for lawyers who are working in your local area because they know best what can and cannot be done legally in the city or state you live in.

So if you live in Florida, you would want a lawyer who covers resbalones y caídas en Miami (slips and falls in Miami) because that would be the best and fastest way to justice. When you have a good lawyer one call away, you will be able to contact them after you have been in an accident and they will advise you on what you need to do and how to do that. You want to build the best possible case and that can only be done with the adequate knowledge that lawyers have.

Report the Incident

If you have fallen on public or private property and you want to get something back for the suffering you have been through, you will have to report the incident to the right people on time. If this incident happened on private property, it would be best that you first inform the owner of the property or a manager who works there.

You should document the incident if you can in any way. If there is camera footage of you falling, that would be best, but you could also just take pictures of the area where you fell. If there is a hazard that caused you to fall, then document it. Hazards such as a wet floor, cracks in the floor, and anything else should all be documented.

You should go to a hospital if there is a need for it, where they will document all your injuries and how they occurred. When you have done all of this, you should contact your lawyer to see what else needs to be done, and what you need to take care of. If the fall happened on public property, then you need to find out what institution governs that space.

Once you have found that information, you will need to report the incident to them. The next step is to talk with your lawyer about what you need to do next.

Find Witnesses

If you do not have any footage of the incident that occurred, then most likely you will need someone to testify on your behalf of what happened. You need to find someone who saw you fall, why you fell, and what happened to you. If the witness is someone you do not know, then you should get their full contact information if you can. Explain the situation to them and how you may need their testimony afterward. 

Slippery floor

Do Not Discuss the Incident

The only people you should talk with about the incident are the people who represent you and those who want to heal your wounds. Everything that you say can be used against you and if you are not careful, you could jeopardize your case in front of the court. You do not want to even discuss it with your colleagues because you never know who could turn and testify against you.

Think About a Settlement Fee

Before you start your claim, you should carefully consider the amount you are willing to take to not pursue this endeavor any longer. There are many things that you need to consider before giving your price to the property owner. You need to take into account possible medical fees that you will have afterward, the trauma you suffered, and the time that was spent while you were taking care of your injuries.

File a Lawsuit

If you cannot settle with the people in charge, and if you think that you have a valid case, then you should file a lawsuit against them. Some people do not want to go this route because they are scared of the costs and because they do not want to go against their employer.

If money is your concern, then you should be even more worried about all the uncompensated costs you will face by not suing. And you should know that most employers do not care about their employees; if they did, then they would give you the money you ask for without questioning anything.

Final Thoughts

If you want to prevent more pain and suffering as a result of a slip and fall accident, take the steps we have outlined here to make sure your rights and health are protected. This can help you deal with all consequences promptly and on time, and avoid any legal problems that can cause you to lose your rights for compensation. Slip and fall accidents are quite common, so do your best to mitigate their effects if you ever find yourself in such a situation.

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